Empowering Parkinson's Research: Voice Assistance Video Chat App Partners with Vancouver Island Health for Breakthrough Patient Engagement

About Us

Our research to support people with Parkinson's Disease and develop a voice assistance Video chat application has reached a significant milestone. We have partnered with the Vancouver Island Health Authority, which has allowed us to extend our team of researchers and gain access to patients who are directly affected by Parkinson's Disease and Dysarthria. Recently, we were granted Institutional Approval by Vancouver Island Health to work directly with patients, enabling us to collect voice samples via our web application with support from a Speech Language Pathologist Jasmine Cload. This approval will provide us with valuable real-world data that is essential for developing a more effective solution.

As part of this phase, we have collaborated with the UBC Linguistics Department to redesign our Voice collection application. With their support, we are now building more free speech voice samples to enrich our dataset. Additionally, we have incorporated built-in features that assist and guide the patients through the voice sample collection process. These enhancements will significantly increase the quality of our dataset and enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the Machine Learning Algorithm we are developing.

We are grateful for the collaboration and support from healthcare institutions and experts in the field, demonstrating our commitment to improving the lives of people with Parkinson's Disease. We are dedicated to advancing our research and the development of the voice assistance Video chat application, aiming to make a positive impact on communication and quality of life for individuals with speech issues.

Flow, our innovative product, utilizes artificial intelligence (AI), voice recognition, and natural language processing technology to autocorrect unclear words in real-time during conversations. This user-friendly technology addresses the frustrations faced by both parties in communication with individuals who have speech issues. By allowing conversations to 'flow' more freely, we aim to enhance the overall communication experience for those with Parkinson's and similar conditions.

We are excited about the potential of this technology to improve the quality of life for individuals with speech difficulties and are dedicated to its continued development and success. If there's any way we can provide more information or if you have any questions about Flow or our research, please feel free to let us know!

Simple one touch to connect with friends and family

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